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Migration from v3 to v4

Version 4.x.x of next-safe-action introduced many improvements, some fixes, and some breaking changes.

This guide will help you migrate from v3 to v4, hopefully without too much trouble.


You can continue to use version 3 of the library if you want to. There are no security implications, since version 4 introduced some new features and changed some functions and properties names. No security patches were committed to v4, at least for the time being, so v3 is currently still safe to use. You'll not get new features in v3, though.


Safe action client

  • buildContext() function is now called middleware(), and it can still return a context object.
  • serverErrorLogFunction() function is now called handleServerErrorLog().


  • res object is now called result.
  • Action status before was reported through returned hasExecuted, isExecuting, hasSucceeded and hasErrored properties. Now there's a single property of type string called status that contains the current action status, and it can be "idle", "executing", "hasSucceeded" or "hasErrored".
  • Reorganized callbacks arguments for onSuccess and onError:
    • from onSuccess(data, reset, input) to onSuccess(data, input, reset)
    • from onError(error, reset, input) to onError(error, input, reset)
  • useOptimisticAction just required a safe action and an initial optimistic state before. Now it requires a reducer function too, that determines the behavior of the optimistic state update when the execute function is called. Also, now only one input argument is required by execute, instead of two. The same input passed to the actual safe action is now passed to the reducer function too, as the second argument (input). More information about this hook can be found here.


  • ActionDefinition is now called ServerCode.
  • HookRes is now called HookResult.
  • ClientCaller is now called SafeAction.

New features


  • Added optional onSettled callback for useAction and useOptimisticAction hooks. It gets executed if the action succeeds or fails, after onSuccess and onError.


  • Fixed an issue with Zod input validation parsing. Before, if an async superRefine() was used when defining the schema, the validation would fail, resulting in a serverError response for the client. Now the validation is done through safeParseAsync(), so the problem is gone.


Safe action client

  • Now Context returned by middleware() (previously called buildContext() in v3) is not required to be an object anymore, it can be of any type.


  • Before, you had to return an object from actions you wanted to execute via useOptimisticAction hook. Now, with the new exposed reducer function (see above), you can return anything you want from action server code body.