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Infer types

next-safe-action, since version 7.6.4, exports utility types for type inference. Here's a guide on how to use them.

Suppose we have declared this safe action client:

import { z } from "zod";
import { createSafeActionClient, createMiddleware } from "next-safe-action";
import { getSessionData } from "@/services/auth"

// Here we declare a standalone auth middleware.
export const authMiddleware = createMiddleware<{
ctx: { sessionToken: string };
metadata: { actionName: string };
}>().define(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
const { sessionId, userId } = await getSessionData(ctx.sessionToken);

return next({
ctx: {

// Here we declare the safe action client.
export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
defineMetadataSchema: () => {
return z.object({
actionName: z.string(),
handleServerError: (e) => {
console.error("Action error:", e.message);
return {
errorMessage: e.message,
.use(async ({ next }) => {
return next({
ctx: {
sessionToken: "someToken",

And then this action function:

"use server";

import { z } from "zod";
import { actionClient } from "@/lib/safe-action";

const testActionSchema = z.object({
username: z.string(),

const testActionBindArgsSchemas: [email: z.ZodString, age: z.ZodNumber] = [z.string(), z.number()];

export const testAction = actionClient
.action(async () => {
return {
successful: true,

We'll use these exported functions in the following examples.


The library exports several utility types from the root path that help you infer types of a safe action client, a middleware function or a safe action function.

Here's the list of utility types exported from next-safe-action path:

  • InferSafeActionFnInput: infer input types of a safe action function
  • InferSafeActionFnResult: infer result type of a safe action function
  • InferMiddlewareFnNextCtx: infer the type of context returned by a middleware function using the next function
  • InferCtx: infer the type of context of a safe action client, or the context passed to a middleware function
  • InferMetadata: infer the type of metadata of a safe action client or middleware function
  • InferServerError: infer the type of the serverError of a safe action function, middleware function or safe action function


import type {
} from "next-safe-action";
import type { actionClient, authMiddleware } from "@/lib/safe-action";
import type { testAction } from "@/app/test-action";

// Use `InferSafeActionFnInput` to infer the input types of a safe action function.
type inferredTestActionInput = InferSafeActionFnInput<typeof testAction>;
clientInput: {
username: string;
bindArgsClientInputs: [email: string, age: number];
parsedInput: {
username: string;
bindArgsParsedInputs: [email: string, age: number];

// Use `InferSafeActionFnResult` to infer the result type of a safe action function.
type inferredTestActionResult = InferSafeActionFnResult<typeof testAction>;
data?: {
successful: boolean;
} | undefined;
serverError?: string | undefined;
validationErrors?: {
_errors?: string[];
username?: {
_errors?: string[];
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
bindArgsValidationErrors?: [email: { _errors?: string[] }, age: { _errors?: string[] }] | undefined;

// Use `InferMiddlewareFnNextCtx` to infer the type of the context returned by a middleware function using
// the `next` function.
type inferredAuthMiddlewareNextCtx = InferMiddlewareFnNextCtx<typeof authMiddleware>;
sessionId: string;
userId: string;

// Use `InferCtx` to infer the type of the context of a safe action client, or the context passed to a
// middleware function. Here's an example with a safe action client:
type inferredSafeActionClientCtx = InferCtx<typeof actionClient>;
sessionToken: string;
} & {
sessionId: string;
userId: string;

// Use `InferMetadata` to infer the type of the metadata of a safe action client or middleware function.
// Here's an example with a middleware function:
type inferredMiddlewareMetadata = InferMetadata<typeof authMiddleware>;
actionName: string;

// Use `InferServerError` to infer the type of the `serverError` of a safe action client, middleware function,
// or safe action function. Here's an example with a safe action:
type inferredServerError = InferServerError<typeof testAction>;
errorMessage: string;


The library also exports three types from the /hooks path that help you infer types when using useAction, useOptimisticAction and useStateAction hooks.

Here's a list of utility types exported from next-safe-action/hooks:

  • InferUseActionHookReturn: infers the return type of the useAction hook - only works with actions defined using the action method
  • InferUseOptimisticActionHookReturn: infers the return type of the useOptimisticAction hook - only works with stateless actions defined using the action method
  • InferUseStateActionHookReturn: infers the return type of the useStateAction hook - only works with stateful actions defined using the stateAction method


import type { testAction } from "@/app/test-action";

// Use `InferUseActionHookReturn` to infer the return type of the `useAction` hook with a provided
// safe action function.
type inferredTestActionHookReturn = InferUseActionHookReturn<typeof testAction>;
execute: (input: { username: string }) => void;
executeAsync: (input: { username: string }) => Promise<SafeActionResult>;
input: { username: string };
result: SafeActionResult;
reset: () => void;
status: HookActionStatus;
} & HookShorthandStatus

// Use `InferUseActionHookReturn` to infer the return type of the `useOptimisticAction` hook with a provided
// safe action function. You can pass the server state as the second generic parameter, which defaults
// to `any`.
type inferredTestActionOptimisticHookReturn = InferUseOptimisticActionHookReturn<
typeof testAction,
{ myServerState: { foo: string } }
execute: (input: { username: string }) => void;
executeAsync: (input: { username: string }) => Promise<SafeActionResult>;
input: { username: string };
result: SafeActionResult;
reset: () => void;
status: HookActionStatus;
optimisticState: { myServerState: { foo: string } };
} & HookShorthandStatus

// Use `InferUseStateActionHookReturn` to infer the return type of the `useStateAction` hook with a
// provided stateful safe action. In this case, by providing the type of `testAction` as the
// generic parameter will, the resulting type will be `never`, because `testAction` is not defined
// using `stateAction()` method. Supposing that we change the definition of the function to be stateful,
// the resulting type will be:
type inferredTestActionStateHookReturn = InferUseStateActionHookReturn<typeof testAction>;
execute: (input: { username: string }) => void;
input: { username: string };
result: SafeActionResult;
status: HookActionStatus;
} & HookShorthandStatus