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Create the client

After installing the correct packages, the first thing you have to do is to create an instance of the safe action client, using the correct configuration based on your validation library of choice:

import { createSafeActionClient } from "next-safe-action";

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient();

When using Zod, you don't need to specify a validationAdapter, because it's the default validation library for next-safe-action.

In the following section we will go through all the options that can be passed to the createSafeActionClient function to customize the client behavior for your needs.

Initialization options


This optional function is used to define which validation adapter should be used to validate the client input, based on the validation library of your choice. If not provided, the default zodAdapter() is used.



This function has been introduced in v7.9.0. Previous versions had two separate functions: handleServerErrorLog and handleReturnedServerError. The handleServerError function is simply a merge of the two, since having two functions for this task was unnecessary. The refactoring is super simple, you just have to combine the two functions body into one. Find out more about this in the v7.9.0 changelog.

This optional function handles errors that occur during action's server execution, middleware included. It's used to customize logging and the shape of the server error returned to the client. You also have access to useful properties via the utils object, which is the second argument of the function. If not provided, it defaults to console logging the error message and returning a generic string to the client, for all the errors (DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE, exported from next-safe-action).

Here's a simple example, changing the default message for every error thrown on the server, while keeping the console logging:

import { createSafeActionClient } from "next-safe-action";

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
// Can also be an async function.
handleServerError(e, utils) {
// You can access these properties inside the `utils` object.
const { clientInput, bindArgsClientInputs, metadata, ctx } = utils;

// Log to console.
console.error("Action error:", e.message);

// Return generic message
return "Oh no, something went wrong!";

A more useful one would be to customize the message based on the error type. We can, for instance, create a custom error class and check the error type inside this function:

import { createSafeActionClient, DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE } from "next-safe-action";

class MyCustomError extends Error {}

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
// Can also be an async function.
handleServerError(e) {
// Log to console.
console.error("Action error:", e.message);

// In this case, we can use the 'MyCustomError` class to unmask errors
// and return them with their actual messages to the client.
if (e instanceof MyCustomError) {
return e.message;

// Every other error that occurs will be masked with the default message.

You can also easily rethrow all occurred server errors, if you prefer that behavior. This way, serverError in the action result object will always be undefined and the action called from the client will throw the server error:

import { createSafeActionClient } from "next-safe-action";

class MyCustomError extends Error {}

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
// Can also be an async function.
handleServerError(e) {
// Log to console.
console.error("Action error:", e.message);

// Rethrow all server errors:
throw e;


This optional function is used to define the type of the metadata for safe actions. If not provided, metadata will default to undefined value. You can find more information about metadata in the metadata instance method section. If you define a metadata schema and you don't call the metadata method before defining an action, an error will be thrown.

Here's an example defining a client with a metadata object containing actionName as a string, using a Zod schema:

import { createSafeActionClient } from "next-safe-action";
import { z } from "zod";

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
defineMetadataSchema() {
return z.object({
actionName: z.string(),


This optional property is used to specify the default shape of the validation errors. The two possible values are flattened and formatted. The first one emulates Zod flatten method, the second one emulates Zod format method, both for validationErrors and bindArgsValidationErrors. You can override the default shape in schema and bindArgsSchemas methods, more information about that here. If this property is not provided, the default shape is formatted, as it also catches errors for nested schema objects.

import { createSafeActionClient } from "next-safe-action";

export const actionClient = createSafeActionClient({
// By default all actions will return validation errors in the `flattened` shape.
defaultValidationErrorsShape: "flattened",


This optional boolean property changes the default behavior of validation errors handling. When this option is set to true, the action will throw a ActionValidationError with the related validation errors in a validationErrors property. This option also works for server validation errors set with returnValidationErrors function. The errors shape follows the defaultValidationErrorsShape option or the overridden one set in schema using the optional handleValidationErrorsShape function. The default value is false.