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Bind arguments

Next.js allows you to pass additional arguments to your actions by using the bind method. This method supports Progressive Enhancement.

next-safe-action exposes a bindArgsSchemas method that expects an array of schemas for bind arguments.

For example, here we're going to define an onboardUser action that has userId and age as bind arguments and an object with an username property as the main argument:

"use server";

import { actionClient } from "@/lib/safe-action";
import { z } from "zod";

const schema = z.object({
username: z.string().min(3).max(30),

export const onboardUser = actionClient
// We can pass a named tuple type here, to get named parameters in the final function.
.bindArgsSchemas<[userId: z.ZodString, age: z.ZodNumber]>([
async ({
parsedInput: { username },
bindArgsParsedInputs: [userId, age],
}) => {
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));

return {
message: `Welcome on board, ${username}! (age = ${age}, user id = ${userId})`,

Then, we can use it like this inside a component:

"use client";

import { useAction } from "next-safe-action/hooks";
import { onboardUser } from "./onboard-action";

export default function OnboardPage() {
// Here we bind `userId` and `age` to `onboardUser`.
// `boundOnboardUser` will have just `{ username: string }` as its argument, after this `bind` call.
const boundOnboardUser = onboardUser.bind(

const { execute, result, status, reset } = useAction(boundOnboardUser);

// ...